Physical Therapy
Physical therapists help clients develop skills to move through their homes and communities in a safe and pain free manner. Our therapists are trained to work with clients who are medically fragile or those who have multiple medical conditions.
Occupational therapy
Occupational therapists at St Croix Therapy perform a wide variety of developmental work with clients. When people hear the word “occupation”, they often think of work related activities. Occupation in regard to therapy actually applies to anything that occupies a person’s time and that is meaningful to him or her. This can be work, self-care, and housekeeping – anything!
Speech therapy
An individual may need speech therapy if he or she has difficulty producing sounds (speech/articulation) or using words to communicate (language). Because the muscles and structures used for speech (lips, tongue, teeth, palate and throat) are also used for feeding/eating, a speech therapist (SLP) may be able to assist with swallowing/feeding issues (dysphagia).
aquatic therapy
With appropriate guidance from a trained St. Croix Therapy therapist, the warm water pool provides an environment that increases strength and range of motion, increases balance and promotes independence through building functional movement and social skills, provides pain relief, and decreases spasticity or rigidity. Through development of these skills, improvements have been seen in areas of confidence, self-concept, independence in functional skills, and quality of life. The pool has also been shown to be a safe environment with appropriate guidance from trained therapy staff.
wi birth to 3 Program
An individual may need speech therapy if he or she has difficulty producing sounds (speech/articulation) or using words to communicate (language). Because the muscles and structures used for speech (lips, tongue, teeth, palate and throat) are also used for feeding/eating, a speech therapist (SLP) may be able to assist with swallowing/feeding issues (dysphagia).
St Croix Therapy offers telehealth services which includes the practice of physical, occupational and/or speech therapy delivery, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, transfer of protected health information and education using secure, live, online video sessions as an alternative to in-person sessions. All electronic communications between you and your therapist will be transmitted using videoconferencing software (Zoom for Healthcare), which is entirely free for families and also compliant with privacy standards for your child’s safety. Your child would then engage in a 45-50 minute session over real time video directed by our trained clinicians. Please call 715-386-2128 to make an appointment for a telehealth visit.